As part of the The Accordo Quadro di Sviluppo Territoriale “Magistri Comacini” (Spatial Development Framework Agreement ), promoted by the Region Lombardia, the Province of Como, the Comacina Island Foundation and the Cariplo Foundation, the Municipality of Ossuccio created and is responsible for the Comacina Island Cultural Complex, composed by the Island and the Antiquarium Archaeological Museum which is located in Ossuccio, near the church of St. Mary Magdalene and the famous bell tower that represents the symbol of Lake Como.
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An intensive restoration of the archaeological and artistic values of the Comacina Island was made together with an extraordinary recovery and security operations of paths and ways, by taking care of the landscape, in order to make the Island appreciable for the beautiful and suggestive nature, and for its precious art heritage that it preserves.
The important recovery operations in the area of the ancient hospitalis of Ossuccio, allowed the collocation and the creation of the Antiquarium Museum, where were set the most important findings of different sites of the Comacina Island and the Ossuccio territory, comprehensive of archaeological and artistic artifacts.
The Municipality of Ossuccio, owner of the structures that in the past constituted the hospitalis, administrates the Antiquarium, manages the ticket office for the Island, and it is also the main head office of the archaeological museum and it gives all the information that are necessary for visiting the Island.
The Convention established in the year 2009 between the Foundation Isola Comacina, owner of the island, and the Municipality of Ossuccio, gave to the last one, all the activities and functions of the usual administration and the management of the Comacina Island.
The Municipality of Ossuccio is, therefore, the main managing head of the entire Comacina Island Complex and it works in the same time to increase the visit of the great artistic values of the municipality area, as the Romanesque churches of St. Mary Magdalene of Ospedaletto, St. James in Spurano, St. Agata and SS. Eufemia and Vincent in Isola (an hamlet of Ossuccio) and the Holy Mount of Ossuccio, UNESCO Heritage.
This situation constitutes a great news for the tourism of Lake Como, and belongs to a project that started on June 2010, on which the Municipality of Ossuccio believes with strong passion and determination, representing a novelty for the tourist season.
The Municipality of Ossuccio also deals with activities for the Antiquarium Museum and, considering that, it created an administrative team ad hoc which takes care of promotion, organizing events, and guided tours in order to enhance the Island and the surrounding area under a touristic point of view in respect of natural, historical and artistic features.